Meet our Children’s Director!
Whitney Wilbanks has been serving as Children’s Director since late 2022. She has a passion to help young children know and share the Gospel and grow in boldness.
PreK through 3rd Grade Arrows
Mission Friends is our Children’s Ministry on Wednesday nights taught by Anna Kilburn, Anna Todd, Erin Crockett, Angela Tippitt, Lindsey Foster, and Micah McCarty. These classes are for children that fall in the age group of 3 years old to 3rd grade. Mission Friends is a wonderful class that highlights and teaches the importance of what it means to be a missionary in today’s world. The teachers spend time teaching on all countries and each week the class will pray for specific people serving God in those countries and the people there. The children do service projects, collect supplies and money to send to missionaries, and support and learn through our church mission teams when they travel. We would love for your child to be a part of these wonderful classes!!

Middle School Arrows
Our Middle School Arrows have many opportunities to learn more about the Gospel and serve their community. On Sunday Mornings, Dillon and Savannah Drewry lead them in regular Bible Study. On Wednesday nights, Jacob and Leah Partridge help the kids explore God’s Word through Bible Drill. In the summer, the middle schoolers spend four days at Crossings Camp in Kentucky. Throughout the year, Middle School Arrows events are held at different church members homes to encourage fellowship and growing together in the Word.

Youth Arrows

Meet our
Youth Directors!
Eastview has a growing youth program led by Travis and Robyn Rich. Hannah Chumney and Kris and Jessica Hunley serve as their support team members in the youth program. Each Sunday and Wednesday the youth meet to study the Bible. In the summer, the youth attend a summer camp in North Carolina called Snowbird for a weeklong deep dive into His Word. Several of our youth are active members of our Praise Teen Group. On occasion, this group performs for our church body during Sunday worship. The youth serve the church by assisting in Vacation Bible School, God’s Day, and the Fourth of July. This group loves spending time together and do many fellowship activities throughout the year including their annual fall trip to Dollywood.