


The fifth and last chapter of Lamentations is not so much a cry for the people of Jerusalem, but a plea to God in desperation to hold back His judgement.  Chapter 5 is a white flag being raised by anyone and everyone.  In chapter 5, Jeremiah describes a quiet and lonely city.  The city has become a ghost town filled with scavengers.  The temple has been destroyed and the people are just a hint of who they were in 1 Kings.   We also see that even Jeremiah himself wonders if God will ever restore the life and future of His people.  

What’s fascinating about the ending of Lamentations is the love Jeremiah still has for the people who did him so wrong.  Don’t forget all the backstory we read in Jeremiah’s book.  These people are the same who place him in jail!  They mocked him and refused to listen.  From a worldly view, Lamentations is the perfect “I told you so” moment.  Why is Jeremiah not saying this? 

However, instead of laughing or mocking back at the people who did him so wrong, his heart breaks!  What type of man is this? Easy, Jeremiah is a man who knows God.  He is a man who has seen and felt God’s mercy and grace.  He is a man who now has no choice but to pour the same love into others.  This is the same call for all of us today. When we hear, know, and see what Jesus accomplished on the cross, we are called to respond in love for our neighbors.  We are called to respond in love even when our neighbors are our enemy.     Lamentations ends with hope.  Jeremiah sees that God is still in control, even though life was very much out of control. 

But you O Lord, reign forever, your throne endures to all generations”.

I am thankful for you and hope you have enjoyed our study in Lamentations.    


Read Luke 6:36 on the subject of loving others. 


 Highlight verses 16-22 in Lamentations 5.


1.) When in your life have you been shown great love and grace when you did not deserve it?  When in your life have you done the same to others?

2.) After reading the last verses of Lamentations, what is the conclusion?  Why does this book end without resolution?

3.) Journal what you most took from our study in this book and how the scriptures brought you closer to God.