Blog Post, Standing Fast

2 Thessalonians 2

Pastor’s Notes

Now brothers, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled…….

The formula of faith has shown us also the formula of discipleship. So far in our story, God’s word has shown us what we need to not only have faith, but to keep it:

  • Be transformed by the Gospel
  • Be committed to discipleship 
  • Be thankful for all circumstances 

In this formula of faith, we also witness the greatest way to help those who are wanting to walk with Jesus.  Paul comes to the people gentle as a father, loving as a mother, and bold as someone who understood the urgency in their walk. Paul came to the people with encouragement, but he also came with honest and hard conversation that the people needed to hear.  He spoke about sexual immorality and the need for people to “mind their own business.”  Theses could have been hard topics to write about, but Paul loved the people too much not to speak on such issues. 

With that being said, in 1 & 2 Thessalonians, we witness a textbook on how to best lead and shepherd those who desire faith.

  • Be bold with the power of the Gospel
  • Be encouraging towards others faith
  • Speak on uncomfortable issues
  • (This week) Teach on all scripture, even if the scripture can be seen as complicated.  

In chapter 2 we now see that Paul not only doesn’t avoid uncomfortable topics, but he doesn’t hide from complicated ones either.  One of the worries the people had was the return of Christ.  They worried that the dead would not be raised.  They worried that Jesus had already come and that they had missed Him. They had many questions when it came to the comfort found in Jesus’s return for His people. 

When it comes to the return of Jesus, there might not be a more complicated or mysterious topic in all of the scriptures.  However, Paul does not run from such a topic.  Not only because he is dedicated to their questions and worries, but because he knows that the answer will do nothing but heighten their faith! 

Today, not only do we avoid uncomfortable topics, but we often run from challenging scripture like we read in chapter 2.  We often run when such scripture offers us comfort and peace in understanding through knowledge. Remember last week, Paul is leading the people from emotional faith to assured faith and the path is through knowledge. Paul is still encouraging the people, loving them well, and now digging deep into the scriptures so that the people can experience assurance. Formula of discipleship!  

Scripture to go along with the message

Read Luke 21 on the promises of Jesus’s return.  

Highlight in your Bible

As you read chapter 2, highlight all the verses that you would identify as confusing.  Read over the text many times this week and come ready to dive in on Sunday.