Blog Post, Standing Fast

1 Thessalonians 1

Pastor’s Notes

For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place.” 

Prayers and encouragement go out to all who read this and commit to following our new study through 1 & 2 Thessalonians.  I have prayed for you in advance that God will grow your spirit, and that Jesus will be magnified in your learning of His word during the next 3 months in our study titled “Standing Fast.” 

I pray and plead…..

  • That you commit to being present for the teaching of God’s word during this study.  It’s so hard to learn through books of the Bible when you are not committed to being present weekly for the teaching of it.  Simply being present each week will bless your learning more than you know.
  • That you read this devotion each week before Sunday.  Having the scriptures on your heart before the teaching of God’s word will prepare your mind for a deeper understanding of the text. 
  • That you plug into a small group.  Being with other believers, speaking about what you are learning and how God is growing you will further your growth in God’s Word. 

Week 1

All throughout Paul’s letters in the New Testament, there is a theme of encouragement, but also an emphasis on correction.  Much like the letters we read in the book of Revelation, most of Paul’s letters are centered on correcting sin and calling the people to repent and follow Jesus.  There are many letters of warnings because the people have fallen back into sin or old lifestyles. 1 & 2 Thessalonians is not one of those letters.  Paul’s letters here are letters of celebration and encouragement of faith!  Paul is cheerleading the charge held by a group of people who are faithfully walking with Christ through persecution and hardship.

We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers, remembering without ceasing your work of faith….” 

1 Thessalonians 1:2

Paul was encouraged himself to hear that the men and women he so dearly loved were not just growing in faith and service, but also in their reputation.  The people had a witness that was stretching outside of where they lived! People in city and outside of the city were taking notice of the drastic change in the people who had been born again in Christ.  They were running the race without having to be prodded by Paul and others. These were truly letters of encouragement to continue! 

In today’s world, I believe we also see more correcting than we do message of continuing.  As people fall to sin, chase idols, and struggle with disciplines, we find ourselves rarely cheerleading faith.  To live a life where not only the world notices your transformation, but also to be encouraged by other faithful warriors of the faith, we should all strive for such a letter!

Just like we taught our kids (boys & girls youth night) last weekend, “It is possible to be strong in faith.” The world wants you to believe that living a faithful life is impossible.  That we could never outrun our past mistakes.  That we could never be seen as a godly kids, youth, men or women. This is just not the case! All throughout God’s Word, the Lord tells us that faith is possible! Like Paul, He is cheerleading in the same way. 

“Run the race, fight the good fight, stay faithful.” 

Scripture to go along with the message

Read Acts 17 as this is the chapter we first see the people of Thessalonica. Also read Revelation 3:7-13 as we read a similar text on God’s encouragement for faithful living. 

Highlight in your Bible

Highlight verses Thessalonians 1:4-8 as this will be the text most centered on.