Pastor’s Notes
For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.”
One area that the global church has failed is its passivity towards current issues that invade our culture, homes, and the church itself. For years, the majority of churches have intentionally avoided hard topics of sin for the sake of keeping peace. However, in the churches attempt to maintain peace, the church has often times created more disaster by not addressing the hard issues that their members are facing in the world. The truth is, nothing should be off limits from the church. The church must speak on all sins and current issues because that’s what the people of God need. They need the guidance of God’s word going to war with the sin of man’s heart. This is exactly what we see in our chapter this week in 1 Thessalonians 4.
Paul spent 3 chapters encouraging the faith he knew of in the people of Thessalonica. Now in the last two chapters, Paul pleads for faith moving forward in the areas that could provide the most obstacles. We see in chapter 4, Paul speaks on subjects that were not only uncomfortable for many but were very relevant for these people during this time.
During the time 1 Thessalonians was written, sexual immorality was running rampant, much like it is today. Sexual immorality during this time mostly consisted of prostitution, adultery, and sexual abuse and during this time, most men acted in the way they wanted concerning their sexual desires. They very much followed the lust of their heart.
Paul tells the people in chapter 4, that this is not how the people of God live! We have already seen that the people of God in Thessalonica were making a name for themselves amongst the people. The message of the gospel was spreading through their faith. However, the fight is never over! There were still temptations and struggles around every corner.
In our walk to be more like Jesus, God’s word always pulls us further and further from our worldly ways. This is exactly what is happening in this week’s text. Even though the people were doing well, there was still more work to be done. Paul reminds the people and you and I today, “Remember who you are now.”
Scripture to go along with the message
Read Ephesians 4:17-32 on the same subject as this week’s text on what it means to live the Christian life.
Highlight in your Bible
Highlight verses 1-8 as most of our time will be spent in these verses on Sunday.