
EXODUS 28:1-30


So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgement over his heart.” 

Can you imagine all the emotions that came with being in the position of High Priest? I am sure Aaron felt an overwhelming amount of sadness and pain when hearing about everyone’s troubles.  I am sure he was often frustrated when he heard all the complaints.  Just think about the counsel and comfort he had to give to so many he could not relate to or understand.  Let’s not forget the heaviest burden of stress that came along with trying to remember everyone and all their needs!  The call to be a High Priest would have been such a heavy weight. 

Today, none of us are called to this position anymore, but many know the weight of carrying someone else’s burdens.  Parents know the stress of raising children.  Employers know the stress of directing staff.  Teachers and students, coaches and players, and the list could go on and on.  Most people today have at least one person who comes in need of prayer or direction.  Now just imagine the stress of thousands in need coming to you! 

This reality brings us to the wonderful blessings of our perfect High Priest in Christ. When the Law was satisfied through what Jesus accomplished on the cross, Jesus became not only our perfect sacrifice, but also our perfect High Priest.  He became our great counselor.  He became the perfect listener, comforter, and mediator before God.  Never overwhelmed, always ready to carry our burdens. 

The story and calling of Aaron is an amazing story of how God uses man to accomplish many wonderful things for His glory and our good.  God continues to do the same today. However, the text also is a story of how thankful we should be that Jesus has perfectly stepped into that position.

Man can never accomplish what Christ has overcome!  


Read Hebrews 4:14-16 as we are given New Testament text on the subject of Jesus the High Priest. 


Highlight verses 16-20 and 29 in chapter 28 of Exodus.