For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.”
On the heels of last week’s message on leadership, Paul tells us this week that a sign of strong leadership is found in the faithfulness of teaching the whole truth, not just part of it. That strong leadership is preparing not only ourselves, but helping others prepare themselves for faithfulness.
Based off of what we have read in Acts 20 when Paul warns the people of the coming wolves and also what we see so far in 1 Timothy, there is a problem in God’s church. The problem is with people from within teaching a false Gospel and distorting the truth of God. Scripture is very clear in that when this happens, it hurts everyone!
Paul tells Timothy this week that being a good shepherd is shown by his ability to spot and warn his people of these dangers. To prepare them for such warfare! This calling to Timothy is the same calling to all of us today. Scripture calls us to all prepare our minds and hearts in the call to spot wolves and teach truth. We are called to raise our children up to not only love the Gospel, but also be ready to fight for it when they leave our homes. Outside of leading our loved ones to the Gospel, what’s more important than teaching them how to defend it?
So many young people leave the home and are indoctrinated when they enter college. Professors and classmates pull them away from the safety of their parents and many of our children are not ready to defend their beliefs. This is much like the warnings Paul is giving to Timothy in chapter 4.
Scripture tells us that people will drift from the faith while attaching themselves to false teachings, mostly because they are not spiritually prepared to defend and fight for their faith. I love the example Paul gives in this week’s text of the similarities in training for a “big game” and also spiritual warfare. If only the people of God approached our own life and also the life of the people we love like we did our physical preparation. Just think about how our churches, communities, and world would look if the same amount of energy was dedicated to our spiritual walk. Really, stop and just think about how the world would look!
This week, Paul tells Timothy to train and to have faith that his training will be “profitable for all things.”
A wonderful message for all of us.
Read 2 Peter 2:1-3
Highlight verses 6-8 in chapter 4 this week