Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God….”
This week we start our journey in 2 Timothy. Now, it’s important to know a few things before we get started. First, this is another letter written to Timothy from Paul. Scholars are unsure of the time between the first and second letter to Timothy, but we can tell that circumstances have changed since 1 Timothy. Paul is once again in prison and he does not seem hopeful that he will be getting out. Paul is getting older and his time on earth growing short. 2 Timothy is basically the end of Paul’s life and very much an Ecclesiastes type book of an older and wiser man speaking about what is most important. However, the message remains the same, do everything to love and protect the gospel!
What is amazing about 2 Timothy is that even on Paul’s deathbed, he loves the call and ministry God has given him. When a job is hard and seems to take more than it gives, we often tell others to run as far as they can from it. We warn our children to not follow in our career footsteps and tell everyone we know that we are looking for “a way out” if we don’t like the job, but that is not what we see here. Paul is in prison and going to die for his job, but tells Timothy to press forward in the same position!
What would make a man encourage another person he loves to walk towards death? The answer is simple, the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that fills our heart. The power of Jesus and the resurrection is what made many people willing to die for their faith. Even in death, Paul tells Timothy to love the ministry and protect the gospel. If it was not for the power of Jesus, Paul would tell Timothy to run and find another profession.
It’s simple, Jesus is greater than suffering and death!
Read Romans 5:6-6:14 as we see Paul’s heart and love of the gospel.
Highlight verses 8-12 in chapter 1 of 1 Timothy.