Preach the word!”
This week we will close our time in 2 Timothy and the life of Paul. “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” This is what Paul tells Timothy in the last chapter of his letter. When we stop and think about the life of Paul, what a closing word from a faithful man. At the end of his life Paul tells Timothy to not back down!
“Preach the word!”
This is such an amazing encouragement in today’s time. In the “last days” that we live in, people seem to be bending and shying away from the truth every chance they get. People are scared of the chains they see (remember the message from chapter 2). We are in the thick of the cancel culture world and people are very aware of how certain topics can land them on the hot seat. So even churches today have avoided certain topics out of fear and discomfort.
Paul tells Timothy to go down swinging!!!
Scripture tells us to not only love and protect the truth of God, but to also not shy away from it. We are charged to call sin a sin and to never shy away from the heavy wait of Heaven and Hell. “In season and out of season,” be ready to preach the truth.
Like Paul, I hope we look back on our life knowing that we did not compromise our faith out of fear or a love of the world. Even if our faith brings us chains or death, I pray that we hold tight to the saving grace of the perfect Gospel of Jesus Christ knowing that the struggles of this world will not compare to the promises of God that await us.
Stay faithful church!
Read Acts 9 (all verses) to see the beginning of Paul’s life of faith. This week as we close on the life of Paul, I believe this will bless you.
Highlight verses 1-5 in chapter 4 this week.