Pastor’s Notes
Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling…..”
One of the hardest things about pastoring is that the sermon never really ends. Or the fact that one message, no matter how strong, never satisfies what’s needed for a lifetime for those who hear it and need it. As soon as you say “amen,” it’s off to putting together the next message that will be just as needed for the same people. Not only is the next message just as needed, but the previous message will have to be revisited many times as a reminder throughout one’s ministry. Continued guidance is a never-ending call. This same reality is not only experienced in ministry, but in leadership or parenting of any kind.
We see this same truth shown to us in 2 Thessalonians. Paul is writing to the same people as he did in his first letter and doubling down on many of the points he had previously made to them. However, much like you and I, one message is rarely enough for us to continue in a faithful walk through struggles and temptation. Many of us need a lifetime of sermons and letters to help through our journey. A lot of those lifetime of sermons are messages that we need on constant repeat.
For the people of Thessalonica, times have gotten harder since Paul’s first letter. Persecution and hate had risen, so had the people’s fear of being left behind by an already come and gone savior. The people were growing in their faith, but overall knowledge of the scriptures was still lagging. So, 2 Thessalonians is a letter of continued encouragement that also spends time assuring the people of faith not to worry. Paul uses reminding words of encouragement but also combats fear with truth in teaching.
Once again, just like 1 Thessalonians, we see what’s most needed in true discipleship, no matter who you are in the equation. We see that the people of God need daily reminding of God’s goodness and Jesus’s promise to return. That God will judge the living and the dead and Christ will come for those that He calls His!!!
This is a lifetime sermon that never needs to end!
Scripture to go along with the message
Read the entire chapter of Hebrews 4 as we see a similar call to stand fast and rest of the promises of Jesus’s return.
Highlight in your Bible
Highlight verses 3-4 & 9-12 in chapter 1.