Blog Post, Joseph



The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man…..”

Just like Paul in prison in the book of Ephesians, it’s hard to look at Joseph’s current situation and call him “successful.”   However, just like last week, the confusion of man is the beautiful message of God. Chapter 39 asks us the question, “What is successful?”  

In today’s world, success is defined by worldly achievements and material possessions.  If a person has a large house, an abundance of money in the account, and a leadership position in their company, then they are successful.  In the same light, if someone does not have those achievements, that person is not successful.  Today’s culture has ingrained this mindset in the entire human race, no matter your age.

We respect and honor those who the world has told us are “successful.”  Scripture tells us a very different story. God’s word in the life of Joseph reveals that the greatest sign of success is seen by not what is achieved by man, but more by who is loved by God.  God’s word takes this truth even farther by stating that God made Joseph prosper in all that he did.  

Now if you closed your eyes and imagined a successful man who was prospering in all that he did in 2024, would Joseph come to your mind?  Would you imagine a man who was left for dead, abandoned by his own brothers and now a prisoner in a land that he knew no one? 

No one in this world would see Joseph as prospering in his correct situation. Remember though, God’s word is often the opposite of what the world tells us. Do you remember our study in Ephesians and the question that was asked many of the weeks, “How can a man sing praises behind bars?” 

God’s word from Genesis to Revelation shows us that true success is defined by God’s favor, not by man’s achievements. One of the points in our first week of this series was understanding the grave impact sin has in our life; how the sin in one home can easily enslave a million people generations later.  We often underestimate the destruction of sin. In the same manner, we fail to realize the power of God’s favor in the lives of His children.  As much as the world tried to crush Joseph, God was with him!  God was with Joseph no matter what happened to him.  No matter how bad his circumstances looked or felt, God was not going to let the waves crash down on him.  That made him successful!   

The hope that we have in this truth is that God loved Joseph no more than He loves his children today!  You might feel like you are unsuccessful today, but in the light of eternity you have all things through what Christ has accomplished! 

Rest well in that.       


Read Ephesians 1 to see the same message of peace through God’s favor.