O Timothy! Guard what was committed to your trust…….”

This week we will end our study in 1 Timothy and will be going right into 2 Timothy.  I have really enjoyed our 9 weeks in this book and I am very thankful for so many of you being dedicated to this study.  Chapter 6 is the end of Paul’s letter and a chapter that is different than any other chapter in his charge to Timothy.  So far in Paul’s letter we see the blue print for building and guarding God’s church.  Each week we have seen the progression of what’s not only most important, but the details of how to ensure the right direction of leading God’s people.  We have seen the story unfold starting with the importance of the Gospel, then prayer being our greatest need, the call to grow strong men, and how to train our spiritual bodies just like we would our physical ones.  Last week we taught on how to treat each other in different seasons of life.  When we read 1 Timothy, the “Blueprint” is very clear! 

Chapter 6 is different because Paul is not talking about the blueprint for the church, but really the blueprint for the builder.  Chapter 6 is Paul’s charge to Timothy the man about his own life.  The last chapter of this book ends beautifully as Paul closes with encouraging Timothy as well as a warning of what could throw him off of being personally faithful to what God has called him.  This is a helpful word to all of us! 

How many of us have heard and seen the blueprints of what God has called us to, only to be thrown off by our own sin of disobedience? Paul tells Timothy to “guard” the calling God has given him.  Are you doing that today?  Do you see what God has led you to, from faithfully parenting your children to teaching a Bible study?  Then are you guarding from the enemy’s schemes to pull you from that? 

In any great plan, we have to speak about the potential barriers we could experience that could throw us off.  Biblically we see the same here in chapter 6.  


Read Matthew 6:19-33 


Highlight verses 6-9 in chapter 6 of 1 Timothy this week.