If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task.” 

So far in our study we have…..

Week 1: The Gospel is primary 

Week 2: To be used is a privilege 

Week 3: Prayer is the best we have to offer 

Week 4: Everything starts with Godly manhood

This week: The body of Christ must have Godly leaders  

I love studying God’s word in full because I believe the scriptures and the stories are really not hard to understand when seeing the full scope of what is happening.  When we look at everything so far in 1 Timothy, it’s not hard to understand the “blueprint” of God’s great design for His church.  Just look at the breakdown above of all the weeks we have covered and you can see the progression very clearly. 

Now that the message is protected, prayer is being done, and men are being matured, it’s time to make leaders in the church.  God’s word is very clear, sheep without a shepherd is never a wise plan, and a shepherd without help is just as foolish.  

All men who are saved by God’s grace are called into leadership, but it might not be leadership of the church.  The seat of Godly leadership of the home is for all fathers and husbands, but that does not always translate into leadership in God’s church.  The scriptures tell us that such leadership is a gift given by the Holy Spirit. 

Leadership in the position of pastor and deacon are essential in today’s church as much as it was in the days of 1 Timothy.  Leaders are not just simply called to hold the responsibilities of teaching and loving on all the members, but they are called to do so much more.  

Leaders in God’s church are called to be prayer warriors, leaders of their own home and an example in their community, those who protect the body from wolves and danger, and men who seek peace and unity above all else.  

I truly believe in the theory that all things “trickle down” in life.  Anything good or worthy in this world comes down from the Father in Heaven.  We are benefactors of His perfection.  The same works in all parts of life. Kids benefit from good parenting, students from good teachers, and community from good government officials.   

The church is no different.  Churches are blessed by strong men who lead and love well.  The body is blessed by strong teachers of the word and men who are dedicated to serving and loving the people.  Paul knows this!  This is why we find these famous words in the progression of how you best build the church.  

 God knows, the Bible teaches, and the people need Gospel-centered leadership. 


Read Exodus 18 on the need of Godly leadership.  I hope you remember this great passage from our time last year.  


Highlight all the qualities in both pastors and deacons in this week text.