I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.”
Before we do anything, Paul tells us to grab ahold of the message. Prioritize, love, fight for, and protect the Gospel! Now, Paul calls us to pray. Scripture tells us that the best and most important thing in ministry is prayer. Prayer should not be our last resort, but our first step in loving others and spreading the Gospel. We should be praying for His saving grace and the power of His Holy Spirit to do miraculous work in our life and the lives of others!
Prayer is so important, that Paul doesn’t move past the call to pray as he sets the foundation of positions of male and female in the church. When reading this week’s text, most of us are drawn to the descriptive position Paul lays out for women. We love to discuss and debate women’s position in and out of the church. However, I hope we don’t move past verse 8 so quickly. I believe everything Paul says about women hangs on the calling he gives men!
Scripture calls men to be men of prayer! Praying everywhere. Scripture calls men to be men of prayer and not of wrath or doubt. He calls us to be faithful leaders of our home and churches. We get so lost on if women should be wearing jewelry that we lose sight on what type of leaders of the home and church God calls man to be.
Today, I believe much if not all of the sexuality confusion in our culture is birthed out of the failure of position understanding and faith in the home and church. God’s great design is a beautiful promise of a foundation that works best. A “Blueprint” that works best for not only men, but also women. That great design begins with men of prayer and faith.
Read James 5:16 this week on the subject of prayer.
Highlight verses 2:8 in this week’s chapter.