In the tabernacle of meeting, outside the veil which is before the Testimony, Aaron and his sons shall tend it from evening until morning before the Lord.”
What an amazing text this week, filled with an obvious reality when it comes to how God grows and calls His children to ministry. A truth that is still seen today. In this week’s text, God speaks to Moses about His plans for his brother Aaron. God tells Moses that Aaron’s call is to be a priest and shepherd for the people of God. Aaron will lead the people, bring their prayers before God, and keep the light of the tabernacle burning bright. What an amazing honor, but also overwhelming responsibility. What we are encouraged to see this week is not just the calling of God in the life of Aaron, but how God calls Aaron and how He prepares him for such a call.
To see the preparation, let’s go back to Exodus 6. In chapter 6, God gives Moses help in the support of his brother. Aaron was given to Moses in the position of translator, or a more equipped speaker. As we studied many months ago, Moses felt like communication was not his strength and Aaron became a great helper to Moses call in just that area. However, we now see that God had even greater plans in store for Aaron. So far in the story, Aaron was being used by God as a helper in the ministry of Moses. In this “supporting role” Aaron would speak bold words to Pharaoh himself, witness amazing miracles like the Red Sea splitting, and become very experienced with people as he had to help lead thousands out of slavery.
What we see in chapter 27 this week is that God was preparing Aaron while using him in earlier chapters. One call gave life to later calls. God was using and preparing at the same time! Today we are driven to see the same truth! God uses every moment for His glory and our good. God has a beautiful endgame that He has planned well in advance. Today’s charge is also preparation for tomorrow’s call.
For those who are believers, God is calling, using, and preparing you in mighty ways in His great plan! Stay faithful in the journey!
Go back and read Exodus 6 & 7 to refresh your mind to the story of Aaron.
Highlight verses Exodus 27:20-21 this week.