You shall make an altar of acacia wood…….”
There are so many powerful messages found in the details of all the findings within the tabernacle; life changing sermons found in the Ark, Table of the Showbread, Golden Lampstand, and now the Altar in the courtyard. Each item found holds a powerful message for God’s people.
The altar was the largest piece of furniture in the tabernacle. The altar was made of wood, covered in bronze, and constructed to be portable. Whenever the people moved, the tabernacle went with them and the altar was no different.
The altar was where the people went to sacrifice animals to atone for their sins. The altar actually was placed outside the tent and in the courtyard which was surrounded by a fence. The powerful message of the altar rests on where it was placed in the courtyard, right on the path of the only entrance into the tabernacle.
The altar was the only thing that stood between God and man. For man to enter the tabernacle and experience fellowship with God, he must pass through the altar. There had to be bloodshed, sacrifice.
There was no other way.
Can you see the message unfolding?
Romans 3:25 tells us, “God put forward Jesus as a propitiation by His blood, to be received by faith.”
There has always been an altar between man and God. The only difference in then and now is that altar has become the cross! There is no more kneeling before a blood-stained altar of sacrificed animals. Now we kneel in faith before the cross and what Christ has accomplished!
Today we don’t sacrifice animals nor are we called to make ongoing sacrifices to become right before God. This is because Jesus paid the perfect price for our sins.
He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption.”
Hebrews 9:12
Read Hebrews 9:16-28 as this is directly connected to Exodus 26.
Highlight verses in the recommended reading in Hebrews that directly connect to Exodus.