
EXODUS 25:1-30


And they shall make an ark of acacia wood.” 

Throughout history there have been many structures built by man from great sport stadiums to the pyramids.  Today you could go to any country or state in the world and find a breath taking or famous structure that has built by man.   With all the examples that we have seen or know of, there has never been anything like the tabernacle of God.  

The tabernacle, built in the middle of the wilderness by a community of homeless wonderers, stands alone.  When we read Exodus 25, our mind often goes to the text in Genesis when God called Noah to build the ark.  The text reads much like a longwinded genealogy that’s easy to pass over, but also missing the beauty of the message. 

Much like last week, Exodus 25 continues to point towards and give weight to the blessings of Jesus!  The tabernacle was a place where God met with His people, a worship center where the people would come and bring their sacrifice and offerings for the atonement of their sins.  This place of worship was filled with tradition and law to abide in, to experience forgiveness, and to become whole with God once again.  

That is why we are given each and every detail of how this structure was built.  Every inch was serious and extremely important.  The presence of God was a matter of life and death. Once again, we see the power the Old Testament gives to the Gospel! When Jesus died on a cross and conquered death, everything the world thought they knew, changed.  No more animal sacrifices, no more holy places, and no more mercy seat.  Jesus became our mercy seat! 

The book of Exodus reminds all of us of our desperate need of a savior.  That we were slaves to our sin and God saved us and made us free.  We are children of the perfect Father.  Exodus also shows us that the story isn’t over.  The book of Exodus shows us that even better was to come for the children of God!  That through Christ, we have direct access to God and now have the Spirit living inside us.  A new tabernacle that God has chosen to live in! 

For you and I today, the story continues even further.  There are even more blessings to come!  There will be a day Christ returns and every tear will be wiped away, every wrong made right.  

From slaves to freedom, from mountains to direct access, and lastly waiting to Glory! 


Read Hebrews 9:11-15 as this is directly connected to Exodus 25.  


Highlight verses in Exodus 25 that you believe gives power to the story of Jesus