
EXODUS 20:7-12


 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” 

In today’s time, balance is something that is extremely challenging and achieved by very few.  It’s hard to balance family, work, hobbies, friends, and money.  It’s hard to balance goals and health and what we desire to do with each day we have vs what others around us want us to do.  Balance is very challenging! 

At times it feels like there are so many balls up in the air that we are trying to juggle.  Balance becomes even harder when God enters the picture as the Bible shows us that He demands and deserves priority in our balancing act.  The problem today and what has been seen throughout time is that God should not and can not be a part of our balancing act.  God is not equal nor a “piece of the puzzle” along with every other ball in the air.

God is separate in priority as well as a part of everything we do.  God is King!    

However, God is not against other aspects of our lives.  God calls us to work and gives us hobbies to enjoy.  Friends are a gift and family is a beautiful ministry. In God’s great mercy and grace, He has provided a path for man to make and keep Him King as well as enjoy the blessings and responsibilities of everyday life.  This path is simple, keep God 1st and take time each week to remember His goodness and salvation.  Walk daily in His authority and goodness and take time each week to worship. 

He has given us six whole days to fulfill our earthly calling.  God is not against work, sports, vacations, or family.  God has given a way for man to thrive in what he is gifted in and has been given.  God also knows that man needs rest.  Man needs to focus his attention on the giver and not simply the gifts.  Man can not always strive and seek after success.  Man needs to stop and worship!

Without worship, we all drown even in the blessings we have been given.  Without worship, blessings become idols and God is removed from being King.  God calls His creation to take time each week to gaze at His glory and worship in His goodness.  We all need to stop and rest in God’s wonderful grace and love.  To praise God for His son Jesus who gave us life through the cross. This can not be done while striving like the Lord’s day is just any other day.  Man has to stop what he is doing and gaze!   

The word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word that means “to cease or to rest.”  The Lord’s Day, the day believers gather together to rest and worship is a gift, this day is for man’s good! In Mark 2:27 Jesus tells us that the Sabbath was made for man.  Our gathering together is for our good and His glory. 

The problem today is that we all have a hard time resting and worshipping.  So many of us are over-committed and stretched that even 2 hours a week to come together is too difficult.  In this reality, we face destruction as all the balls begin to fall.  God becomes just another part of life, just another ball in the air.  When that happens, destruction follows.  

I pray for believers and the global church on this issue.  Our world is not slowing down nor do most of us want it to.  We complain about being tired, maxed out, and very little time to actually do what needs to be done.  However, those people also refuse to say no to the things that tire us and stand in the way of our rest and focus.

I pray that as we learn more about God, we fall so in love with Christ that the idea of not resting and worshipping pains us.  That we desire the church more than the world and His word more than entertainment.  I pray the Spirit moves us!    


Read Deuteronomy 5 as we see a thorough review of the 10 commandments. 


Highlight verses 8-11 in Exodus 20.