
EXODUS 8:20 – 8:31


 I will make a difference between My people and your people”. 

During the 4th plague, God punishes and protects simultaneously.  Like the frogs and lice, God uses whatever He pleases to get His message across.  God sends flying insects to swarm and destroy the people of Egypt.  At the same time, God protects His people that are held up in Goshen (part of Egypt).  This could be seen as a Heaven and Hell image on Earth.  In one moment people are being tortured while others are being spared.  

The image of Heaven and Hell could continue in the types of people God is either protecting and punishing.  Even though God is protecting the slaves in Egypt, lets not forget that they are not without blame.  Think back to chapter 5 when the people were frustrated with Moses and what following God resulted in.  Gods desire for freedom led to hardship for the people and their frustration, not amazing thanksgiving and faith.  From the standpoint of many, all of the people deserved the punishment of the flies.  The Egyptians and Israelites.   

So why did God spare some of the sinful, and then pour punishment on the others? 

The answer is pretty simple, even though the Israelites were a sinful people, they were nevertheless God’s people.  Even though they were sinful, frustrated, and showing a lack of faith, they were held by God and were His children. 

Today as believers, we live in this same truth and should be encouraged by what God shows us in Exodus 8.  God was not kind, loving, and graceful because the Israelites were amazing people.  Not at all!! God did not rescue them because they were worthy or the cream of the crop.  No, God poured His love on these people because they were His.  

For those who are alive in Christ, we are held by those same hands.  We are protected and loved not because of how awesome we are, but because we belong to God.  Exodus 8 is a beautiful picture of a father’s love for His children.       


Read Deuteronomy 10:14-15 on the subject on being a child of God. 


Highlight verses 22-23 in Exodus 8.