1 & 2 Peter

2 Peter 1:3-11

Pastor’s notes

In 1 Peter, Peter encourages us to suffer well for the Gospel. Now in 2 Peter, Peter encourages us to finish well for the Gospel. Peter begins his time in this week’s verses by showing us that as believers, we have been given everything we need for the journey to fight the good fight, to finish well. Peter sets the table by shining light on the strength we have been given through the knowledge of God and the promises of God. Through this, Peter tells us that we have all that we need.

As Peter sets the table in our foundation of finishing well, notice that Peter does not call us to increase our head knowledge of God, but to live such a life that we actually know Him. What Peter calls us to see as believers is that true knowledge of God only comes through truly knowing God and once we know God, His promises are our blessings!

A question that we should all wrestle with this week is: Are we being conformed into His likeness of His Son by the power of His Spirit? Or have we strayed from Him? Have we turned from Him and gone in our own desired direction? Have we traded the beautiful relationship of knowing God with head knowledge of facts?

This week’s verses are so important as Peter not only lays a foundation, but also gives us the cement to continue building a strong relationship with God. In chapter 2, Peter gives us many characteristics that not only grow our faith in preparation of running the race, but also grows a believer’s relationship with his Maker. Peter lays the bricks of virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly love, and love.

These verses are often referred to as the list of virtues. However, I would say that they are so much more! These verses in 2 Peter should not be looked over as just characteristics of a faithful person, but more so as Godly traits that are independently linked to each other to grow a bond. Traits that don’t just promote peaceful living as believers, but traits that bring us closer to knowing and walking towards God. To finish well, Peter calls us this week to prepare our minds, spirits, and faith to do just that.

Scripture to go along with the message

Read Luke 24:1-12 & John 21:1-25. These verses are wonderful verses on Peter’s restoration after his faith fell.

Highlight in your Bibles

Highlight verses 5-7 in 2 Peter 1.

Questions to consider

1.) Read the scripture outlined in scripture to go along with the message. After reading this scripture, journal what you see. Journal what stands out about Peter and the love of Christ after Peter’s fall.

2.) Looking at the traits of Godliness in chapter 1, where are your strengths and weaknesses?

3.) How have you strengthened or stayed stagnant in each trait and what has led to that outcome?