This Week at Eastview

Blog Post, Standing Fast

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28

Pastor’s Notes

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 

This week is our last Sunday in 1 Thessalonians! I am very thankful for everyone who has plugged in and followed the weekly devotions and been present for the teaching of God’s word. Please know that next week we will be going straight into 2 Thessalonians. 

As we close our time in this wonderful letter of encouragement, Paul calls the people to thanksgiving. All throughout his letter, he pleads with the people who received the gospel in the midst of hardship to “stand fast”.  He calls the people to continue to fight the good fight of faith, seek purity, and to love each other well. 

We have read the charge to keep fighting, knowing that Jesus is coming soon. Paul now closes his letter, telling the people to be thankful for the fight! Paul’s plea for thanksgiving comes from personal experience.  

For one to truly live a life of gratefulness, they must understand what they have been given.  Once someone truly knows what they have been given, they are ready to fight to hold tight what they have.

Paul had been transformed by God and given a new life in Jesus.  His life had become harder in so many ways in the eyes of the world, but his heart was so full of thanksgiving, knowing all that he had been given. Paul tells the people to “rejoice always”! 

This is a message I pray we all hear this week in the same way. What we have been given through salvation in Jesus, outweighs anything the world can take from us.  God’s grace is so much greater than persecution or tragedy.  We often see many fall in faith due to discouragement or tiredness.  Many stops fighting out of the feeling of defeat. The answer to sadness, fear, and hardships will always be the joy and thanksgiving we have in Jesus! As we fix our eyes on who Jesus is and what Jesus has and continues to do for us, lets responding in thanksgiving! Now let our thanksgiving fuel our faith to continue to “stand fast”. 

Scripture to go along with the message

Read psalms 107 (entire chapter) as it teaches us the blessings of thanksgiving. 

Highlight in your Bible

Highlight verses 12-22 in chapter 5 this week. 


Take time alone or with your family this week and speak thanks into existence by naming all the wonderful things God has done in your life.  You will be amazed by how faith grows by speaking His goodness out loud to others.